Hedging in Cryptocurrencies: A Comprehensive Guide

3 min readApr 10, 2023



Hedging is a risk management strategy used to offset potential losses from investments by taking an opposite position in another related asset. In the volatile world of cryptocurrencies, hedging is an important tool for traders to protect their investments from sudden market fluctuations. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of hedging, why it is required in cryptocurrencies, and how it can be done. We will also explore the pros and cons of hedging in crypto and common pitfalls to avoid.

Hedging explained

What is Hedging?

Hedging is a strategy used to protect investments from potential losses. It involves taking an opposite position in another related asset to offset losses from the original investment. The goal of hedging is to reduce risk, not to make a profit. In other words, hedging is a defensive strategy.

Why is Hedging Required in Cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies are known for their high volatility, which can lead to significant gains or losses in a short period of time. Traders who hold large positions in cryptocurrencies are exposed to this volatility and risk losing a significant amount of their investment if the market moves against them. Hedging allows traders to protect their investments by taking an opposite position in another asset that is negatively correlated with the cryptocurrency they are holding.

How Can We Hedge a Position?

One of the most common ways to hedge in cryptocurrencies is by taking a short position in a related asset. For example, if a trader is holding a large position in Bitcoin, they can hedge their position by taking a short position in Ethereum, which is negatively correlated with Bitcoin. If the price of Bitcoin drops, the trader’s short position in Ethereum will offset some of the losses.

Another way to hedge in cryptocurrencies is by using derivatives such as futures and options. These instruments allow traders to take a position on the future price of a cryptocurrency without actually owning it. By taking a position in a futures or options contract, traders can protect their investments from sudden market fluctuations.

Pros and Cons of Hedging in Crypto


  • Hedging can protect traders from sudden market fluctuations and potential losses.
  • It allows traders to manage risk and reduce exposure to volatility.
  • Hedging can provide a sense of security and help traders avoid emotional decisions.


  • Hedging can be expensive and reduce potential profits due to fees.
  • It can be difficult to determine the best hedge in a volatile market.
  • Hedging requires a deep understanding of the market and the assets being hedged.

Common Pitfalls of Hedging

  • Over-hedging: taking too many positions to the point where potential profits are lost.
  • Under-hedging: taking too few positions to the point where losses are not offset.
  • Choosing the wrong hedge: selecting a hedge that does not effectively offset potential losses.
  • Timing: hedging too early or too late can result in missed opportunities or losses.

Sample Pseudocode Function for Hedging

func hedge(hedgeThreshold uint64, portfolioPosition uint64, hedgePortfolioPosition uint64) {
if portfolioPosition >= hedgeThreshold {
symbol := "BTCUSD" // or any other symbol
qty := hedgePortfolioPosition - portfolioPosition
side := "Sell"
send_order(api_key, secret_key, symbol, qty, side)

This function sends a sell order to Bybit perpetuals if the portfolio position exceeds the hedge limit. hedgeThreshold represents the maximum position size that a trader is willing to hold without hedging. portfolioPosition represents the current position size of the trader, while hedgePortfolioPosition represents the size of the hedge position.


Hedging is an important risk management strategy for traders in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies. By taking an opposite position in a related asset or using derivatives such as futures and options, traders can protect their investments from sudden market fluctuations. However, it is important to understand the pros and cons of hedging and the common pitfalls to avoid. With the right knowledge and tools, hedging can be an effective way to manage risk and protect investments. Please feel free to ask questions and engage. I will be happy to respond and discuss !

